Basic card
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
// or
// +mdc-card__header(title='Title')
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with a primary action
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with subtitle
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-card__header('Title', 'Subtitle')
// or
// +mdc-card__header(title='Title' subtitle='Subtitle')
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with overline
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-card__header('Title', 'Subtitle', 'Overline')
// or
// +mdc-card__header(
// overline='Overline'
// title='Title'
// subtitle='Subtitle'
// )
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with a header graphic
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with a header action
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with buttons
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with icons
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)
Card with buttons and icons
Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.
+mdc-typography('Visit ten places on our planet that are undergoing the biggest changes today.')(type='body2' noMargin)